It was a couple of years ago, while completing my massage certificate that I unexpectedly experienced the amazing benefits of a deep tissue massage. As part of the course we received a massage 4 days in a row and since I like to feel a bit of pain with my massages I was very grateful that the girl who I was partnered with knew how to get right in there. I’m not keen on the feathery strokes. And although that may relax some people, it does the opposite for me because I’m lying there thinking, “Gosh! when are you going to put some force into those knots and release them.” Anyway! After the series of massage therapy my body felt SO different. I felt wobbly, light and movable (though I did feel pain for a couple of days). Physically I had never felt like that before and I remember thinking to myself “THIS is how my body is supposed to feel.”

If you have ever felt any relief from a massage like I have then you would
probably understand why I would get a 1 hour deep tissue massage EVERY day if I
could!!! My shoulders are tense almost 100% of the time and when I have been
working at the desk for a while, pain can come with it too and it is not until then
that I treat myself to a deep tissue massage. Never feel bad for splashing out
a bit when you do get massages because apart from improving stiffness and
muscle pain, deep tissue massage can also help with other issues which means your truly caring for yourself. These issues include:
- poor blood circulation
- low energy
- low mood
- poor digestion (I can always relate with improved digestion after a massage. I always always always feel hungry afterwards and I love it. Makes me feel like my body just went through a deep cleanse.)
- weight loss issues
- toxicity
- headaches
- stress
- sleeping problems
- injuries
These benefits are explained by the relaxation response which is the changes that occur in the nervous system and the mechanical response which are the physical changes.
- poor blood circulation
- low energy
- low mood
- poor digestion (I can always relate with improved digestion after a massage. I always always always feel hungry afterwards and I love it. Makes me feel like my body just went through a deep cleanse.)
- weight loss issues
- toxicity
- headaches
- stress
- sleeping problems
- injuries
These benefits are explained by the relaxation response which is the changes that occur in the nervous system and the mechanical response which are the physical changes.
Relaxation response:
Your heart rate drops, breathing slows, blood pressure goes down, stress hormone production decreases, muscles relax and serotonin (happy hormones) levels may also increase.
Mechanical response:
Soft tissue relaxation and normalization (muscles, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) occurs. Blood circulation increases as a result of the changes in soft tissue and chemical changes due to the relaxation response.
Why is it important that blood circulation is improved?
Good blood circulation means that cells and organs are able to access the nutrient supplies from your blood so that they are healthy. It also means that oxygen and nutrients are supplied to damaged tissues (eg sports injuries or tense muscles) and speed up the healing process.
Why is it important that muscles are at a relaxed state?
When muscles are contracted, nerves are compressed and could cause pain. When muscles are relaxed, the nerves that live around it are free to function and can improve the health of organs that share the same neurological pathway.
I hope you now know that getting a massage is not all pampering. It is a means of caring for your body and your health. So! If you’re ever in South East Asia do what I did, get a massage everyday!!! It’s so much cheaper there and I can guarantee that 90% of the time they will know how to get in there! And I don’t mean in a happy ending sort of way. But you will surely come out happier and healthier anyway :)
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